Summer Learning Journey – Unleash your inner artist Activity 2

Kia ora my name is Leeya and for the second activity for unleash your inner artist, we had to make a manga character. Firstly I had to watch a time lapse video to help me understand how to create my character. Then I had to read the story about manga before creating my own.  It was a bit challenging but my parents helped me understand what I had to do. It took me about 8  minutes to create my manga character.   Here is a picture of my manga character.



Have you ever done something like this?

I wanted to share the fact I learnt The astro boy is a modern version of a manga character,  an astro boy who is a robot that has human capabilities.

I hope you enjoyed see you next time, Bye.

Summer learning journey – Unleash your inner artist activity 1

Kia ora my name is Leeya and I am going to share with you my summer learning journey as i complete the activities throughout the Summer.  Today for my task I had to explore artworks from different cultures then pick a piece of artwork to colour.  The design i picked was Hanukkah and I picked the candles. Once I had done that I watched a video on what to do. I tried to be really creative with my design. Then I had to take a screenshot of it.

I didn’t know what Hanukkah was, so I have learnt today what this celebration is. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that reaffirms the ideas of judaism and commemorates in particular the rededication of the second Temple of jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival.

Here is a picture of  my candles.

I will see you on my next adventure




Getting To Show My Family My Hard Work At The TWA Showcase

On the 18.9.22 we had the showcase a showcase is where your family come over with some kai to share with the classes and you even get to share your very hard work with your family ok let me start talking about my showcase I had. When my family and I arrived I first waited for my friends to come then one they came we all practised our gymnastics on the field. After practising our gymnastics for a bit we went inside and I got to show my school design and the area,volume and perimeter then I told my little story about if we had no rain it was called without rain and it had in it that we would be dead if we had no water. Then I got to show them my slideshow about the Tangiwai train crash then I showed them my newspaper about the Tangiwai train crash. Then we shared some kai together.I felt sad because I was sick and I did not get to finish my work. I didn’t get to I felt really nervous at first because I didn’t get to finish my work because I wasn’t  at school on Tuesday. I would show my work first before anything else. The thing I enjoyed the most is my school and my second favourite was my SSW/ free writing. IT WAS SUPER DUPER FUN YOU SHOULD HAVE COME TO IT IF YOU DIDN’T COME NEXT TIME!!!  Here is a photo of my work.

Black Ferns Rugby

Kia Ora my name is Leeya from Waikowhai School. I’m here to talk about the Black Ferns so lets get into it. Someone in our school has a sister who is only eighteen and she plays for the Black Ferns. She’s also the youngest player. How amazing is that! In class we wrote some letters on our chrome  then we had to write it on a piece of paper to send to the Black Ferns. We had to write positive things so they can have a good next game and do a good job in their next game. Their next game is tomorrow.  The Black Ferns are playing in japan for the quarter. I learnt that New Zealand beat wales Fernsby 44 points in their game in North land events center. We had a lot of cool things sent to our school by the Black Ferns. How cool is that. There at the finals because they beat other countries. Here are some links videos and photos.




See you next time,

Parihaka headbands

Kia ora my name is Leeya, On Thursday the 3rd of November we made headbands for Parihaka. We had to work fast so we could wear them on friday while wearing our white clothes. We heard a lot of stories about Parihaka and listened to a song that a famous singer wrote. We had to choose some patterns to draw on our cardboard paper then we went over with vivid. here is a photo of me wearing my head band. Parihaka is about non violence and the feathers are for peace.

See you next time

Magnificent Museum Memories

Kia Ora my name is Leeya

On Tuesday 18th of October Te Waka Ako went to the Auckland Museum. We were in groups of four in each group we had one adult. Something I found out was that on the telescopes when you walk in there were insects and I looked at the red ant and red ants are actually are white. It also looks identical to Moana’s boat in the movie. We had so much fun and learnt so much things. I really appreciated all the parents that had come to make sure we were safe instead of staying and drinking 5 cups of coffee at home. I really would like to show you guys my slideshow about the museum trip come along to see my museum slideshow.


See you later!

Week 3 Writing Activity

Throughout on Monday morning, in writing we had three pictures to choose from. Then we wrote different nouns so we could write 4 adjectives about the nouns. Once we had finished writing both of those onto our slide, we got to write a little story about the picture we chose. On Thursday we wrote a little bit more about our picture then we wrote a whole story. We had to act like the picture was moving with our imagination to impress the teachers and our parents for when they read it. Then we had to highlight the nouns, adjectives and the four scenes that we used. After we finished we got to edit the whole thing to make it look pretty an interesting. I wrote about two giant dogs and their owner Bob.              What picture would you choose if you were to choose a picture of dogs, cats, fish , crab, turtle and turtle egg?

Muriwai Beach Trip

On the way to Muriwai we played I spy with my big eye the size of the universe. It was hard but easy.

we arrived at Muriwai and Rhyse and Valentina taught us what to do to save ourselves or someone else from a rip. I enjoyed getting hit by a wave and splatting on my butt. I had heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of fun. On the way back to school we played I spy with my big eye the size of the universe.




Thank you I hope you enjoyed

Have you ever been to Muriwai?

Have you ever seen a rip in real life?




Growth Mindset

In maths this week we have been learning about growth mindset. We have been watching dojo videos this is the one that relates to me. Here is my video

What do you think?

It relates to me because I like making mistakes and each time I try something new I get better and better.

Watch the video and see what you think?

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