Tag: music

Summer Learning Journey – Paint with music – Activity 2

Kia ora welcome to my second activity for the paint with music but this time I had to make music with paint. First before that I had to watch a youtube video about using artificial intelligence to see what the artist might have heard when painting. Once I had finished watching the video I had to try it myself and it was a bit hard to get the beat right but thanks to my mum .she helped me a bit to do my best on my beat.

Here is a photo of what it looks like

Check out my painted music





See you on my next adventure


Summer learning journey – Paint with music – activity 1

Kia ora I’m Leeya and for today’s summer learning journey activity I had to paint with music but before I tell you what it is I will tell you what I had to do before I painted with music. So first I had to watch a video about a girl that paints with music which is where you listen to a song and you feel the colours then make art with those colours. Then I got to try it myself. It took me about 5 mins to make. I used the song called: Message in a bottle. By: Livingston. Here is a photo of my art work.


Ka kite ano

See you next time