Year: 2022

Summer learning journey – Poetry slam – Tahi introduction activity 2

Kia ora and welcome back to my blogs on the summer learning journey. So for today’s activity we first had to read Kylah’s, Irelyn’s and Sahil’s poems from last year.  Once I had done that I had to watch a video on how to do different recordings. After I had to pick a recording and use that recording to record me saying their poems. here is a recording of me performing the poem.

See you next time on my next adventures


Summer Learning Journey – Tahi – Introduction activity 1

Hi and welcome back to my summer learning journey blogs. For today’s activity I first had to watch four different people in videos perform poems. Once I had finished that I had to make a copy of a slide show and fill the slides out there were three slides I had to fill out where I had to think of summery things to match them. Example: Smell = Mac’s.

Check out my slide here:

Poetry Slam Slides

I will see you on my next adventures during the holidays



Summer learning journey Treasure hunt – Create your science toolkit

Kia ora and welcome back to my summer learning journey and for today’s activity we went on a scavenger hunt we had to find things on a list for a tool kit box. On the list the things were: Material that can tie two things together, A tube, A small weight, Paper and cardboard, A way to measure a size of something and something to write or colour with. Once we had found all the things I had to find a cardboard box and write: Leeya’s Tool kit. Then I had to put all my supplies in my box. Here is a  photo of me with my stuff taken by my fabulous mum. It also has labels of the things I got for the scavenger hunt.



I hope you guys enjoy your holidays

I can’t wait to see you you guys next time


Summer Learning Journey – Paint with music – Activity 2

Kia ora welcome to my second activity for the paint with music but this time I had to make music with paint. First before that I had to watch a youtube video about using artificial intelligence to see what the artist might have heard when painting. Once I had finished watching the video I had to try it myself and it was a bit hard to get the beat right but thanks to my mum .she helped me a bit to do my best on my beat.

Here is a photo of what it looks like

Check out my painted music





See you on my next adventure


Summer learning journey – Paint with music – activity 1

Kia ora I’m Leeya and for today’s summer learning journey activity I had to paint with music but before I tell you what it is I will tell you what I had to do before I painted with music. So first I had to watch a video about a girl that paints with music which is where you listen to a song and you feel the colours then make art with those colours. Then I got to try it myself. It took me about 5 mins to make. I used the song called: Message in a bottle. By: Livingston. Here is a photo of my art work.


Ka kite ano

See you next time

Summer learning journey – Toa Samoa – wave that flag activity 2

Talofa and welcome back to my blog and for today’s second activity.  I read and watched some more videos from the Toa Samoa vs The Kangaroos.  I then had to have a talanoa (conversation) with my whanau, find out what flags they felt connected to.  Here are the flags they gave me. NZ, Australia, England and Maori. I then had to choose one to share on my blog.  I chose the Maori flag.  Here is my poster showing what the Maori flag represents.

Wave That Flag Activity 2




Flags are important to individuals, because it shows others where they come from but also can represent beliefs and customs.  Sometimes flags can also represent the history of a significant event. Flags like ours and Australia for example can also show unity.  Ours has the Union Jack which represents the United Kingdom but also the commonwealth which our countries are part of.

I’ll see you next time


Summer Learning Journey – Toa Samoa – Wave that flag activity 1

Kia ora welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about the samoan flag and what things mean on the flag. I had to listen to a video of people talking about Samoans in Auckland celebrating as Toa Samoa took on the kangaroos. After I  listened to what they were saying I had to read a story about it. Then I had to watch a video of the meanings of the flag. Here is a photo of my poster explaining what I learnt about their flag.



Have you learnt something new? Do you have a flag you feel connected to?  I know I do.  I feel connected to the New Zealand flag as this is where I am from, but also I feel connected to the Maori flag as I am a Maori descendant.

I hope you enjoyed.


Summer Learning Journey – Unleash your inner artist Activity 2

Kia ora my name is Leeya and for the second activity for unleash your inner artist, we had to make a manga character. Firstly I had to watch a time lapse video to help me understand how to create my character. Then I had to read the story about manga before creating my own.  It was a bit challenging but my parents helped me understand what I had to do. It took me about 8  minutes to create my manga character.   Here is a picture of my manga character.



Have you ever done something like this?

I wanted to share the fact I learnt The astro boy is a modern version of a manga character,  an astro boy who is a robot that has human capabilities.

I hope you enjoyed see you next time, Bye.

Summer learning journey – Unleash your inner artist activity 1

Kia ora my name is Leeya and I am going to share with you my summer learning journey as i complete the activities throughout the Summer.  Today for my task I had to explore artworks from different cultures then pick a piece of artwork to colour.  The design i picked was Hanukkah and I picked the candles. Once I had done that I watched a video on what to do. I tried to be really creative with my design. Then I had to take a screenshot of it.

I didn’t know what Hanukkah was, so I have learnt today what this celebration is. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that reaffirms the ideas of judaism and commemorates in particular the rededication of the second Temple of jerusalem by the lighting of candles on each day of the festival.

Here is a picture of  my candles.

I will see you on my next adventure




Getting To Show My Family My Hard Work At The TWA Showcase

On the 18.9.22 we had the showcase a showcase is where your family come over with some kai to share with the classes and you even get to share your very hard work with your family ok let me start talking about my showcase I had. When my family and I arrived I first waited for my friends to come then one they came we all practised our gymnastics on the field. After practising our gymnastics for a bit we went inside and I got to show my school design and the area,volume and perimeter then I told my little story about if we had no rain it was called without rain and it had in it that we would be dead if we had no water. Then I got to show them my slideshow about the Tangiwai train crash then I showed them my newspaper about the Tangiwai train crash. Then we shared some kai together.I felt sad because I was sick and I did not get to finish my work. I didn’t get to I felt really nervous at first because I didn’t get to finish my work because I wasn’t  at school on Tuesday. I would show my work first before anything else. The thing I enjoyed the most is my school and my second favourite was my SSW/ free writing. IT WAS SUPER DUPER FUN YOU SHOULD HAVE COME TO IT IF YOU DIDN’T COME NEXT TIME!!!  Here is a photo of my work.